International Fair for Ecology and Environmental Protection INTARG® EKO


The INTARG® EKO was born out of the ecological sector that has been developing over the years as a part of the International Invention and Innovation Show - INTARG®.

By 2023, the fair have earned its own place in the trade fair calendar. It is an evolution that has led to the creation of INTARG EKO as a response to the needs of ecological transformation and achievement of climate neutrality, including prevention from:

Global warming
Earth's climate change
Deterioration of the quality of life and diseases of civilization
The degradation of our planet
Branches of INTARG® EKO:

Renewable energy
Transportation and mobility
Recycling and processing waste
Sustainable lifestyle
Construction and architecture
Waste management and recycling
Food industry
Ecological Technologies
Bio cosmetics
Non-profit organisations and educational institutions
Cnvironmental audits and reports

Exhibition stands presenting environmentally friendly offers from various sectors and industries
Conferences and discussion panels under the auspices of the Polish Chmber of Ecology
International B2B talks
Grand opening of the event with the presence of government representatives and VIP guests
Competition for the best ecological solutions with prestigious awards
Final gala with presentation of awards and prizes
Networking banquet

PLEASE NOTE! INTARG® EKO exhibitor can participate in Intenational Invention and Innovation contest, organised as a part of INTARG® and receive prestigious awards, which are funded by: WIPO ( World Intellectual Property Organization-one of the 16 UN agenda) - in Innovation for Green Deal category or Polish Chamber of Ecology award etc.

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